You have to make a lot of money as soon as possible if you don't want to loose the family business, a pizza restaurant. The "PizzaDude" family is facing financial problems, and in order to to solve them, it's necessary to prepare, deliver and sell as many pizzas as you can within 24 hours.
As the family business is in trouble and without employees, you will be in charge of everything. First, you will have to answer the phone and take orders. Then, in the kitchen, you will have to prepare and cook the order. For instance, peel potatoes, slice bread, onions and tomatoes, etc. Once the order is ready, you will have to drive a vehicle and deliver the order within a certain time. As you know, if the order is delivered too late, the customer will not pay you.
If you think that making pizzas is not stressing, then with Pizza Dude you will change your mind. If you want to spend a funny moment dealing with food, pizzas, angry clients, then I'm sure you will enjoy a lot this amazing game.
Limitations of this Demo version: There are only two destinies, one character and two types of pizza. Besides, it's important to add, that the game is no longer available to buy online.